Big Tasty Low Notes (2021)

Composer: Ryan Linham (2021)
Duration: 12 Etudes
Instrumentation: Solo Trumpet
Grade: 6+

Welcome to my brand new for 2021 release: Big Tasty Low Notes! This collection of 12 fun and original etudes should be perfect for students Grade 6 and above, or professional players looking for some fresh and interesting repertoire to challenge this corner of their technique.

I do hope that you enjoy playing this collection of quirky, stylistic etudes to challenge your low register sound/production. So much of the world’s repertoire is focussed on high playing, so I think that it is easy to forget what makes a genuine high-quality, employable trumpet player: a great sound, articulation and technique in the main middle register.

  1. Pantry Procession – Verdian March
  2. Dance of the Spices – A fiery Bartokian dance
  3. Lone Lettuce – Copland-esque soulful melody
  4. Magician in the Kitchen – Inspired by Holst’s imagination of magic
  5. Cheesy Pop – Say no more!
  6. Bolognese Polonaise – Tchaikovsky style dance
  7. Classical Carrots – Light and Mozartian sonata
  8. Pastoral Potatoes – Inspired by Vaughan-Williams
  9. Esca-peas – Fast and intense, like ‘Catch me if you Can’
  10. Meloncholy Melody – Just a beautiful tune!
  11. Funky Funghi – Seriously funky bass-line writing
  12. Yokeleyheehoo! – A fiendishly fast Straussian Alpine polka

YouTube Playlist:
